Remedial Massage
What is Remedial Massage? When muscles become knotted and tense or damaged, remedial massage provides a healing treatment that can be gentle or strong, deep or shallow. Remedial massage holistically treats the body. The massage therapist endeavours to identify the original biomechanical dysfunction, thus healing the cause of the disorder, as well as the symptoms. Remedial massage uses several specialised techniques to locate and repair damage to muscles, tendons and joints. Massage therapy supports and speeds up the body's own repair mechanisms. A lubricating medium (usually oil) is applied directly on the skin. This ensures that the muscles associated with the disorder are deeply penetrated. Passive joint stretching moves are also used. Key benefits of Remedial Massage Key benefits of remedial massage include the stimulation to the blood supply allowing toxins in the muscles to be removed; the calming of the peripheral nervous system to ease pain and discomfort; and the toning and relaxing of muscles to improve joint mobility. An improvement to the health of the cells, the repairing of tissues, and the easing of stiffness and tension can also be experienced through therapeutic relaxation. Muscular and skeletal dysfunctions often addressed with remedial massage include muscle tightness and pain, arthritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, whiplash, neck and back pain, scoliosis, headaches and sports injuries. Relaxation Massage What is Relaxation Massage? Relaxation or Swedish massage is a smooth flowing style that helps reduce:
Cupping What is Cupping? Massage Cupping is an adaption of ancient technique and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Glass or plastic cups along with vacuum pump create a negative pressure on the skin's surface. Cups are then moved using various techniques while gently pulling up. Bony land marks such as spine and scapula which are often avoided (due to compression because typical massage would cause pain), can be worked on. The cups can also be parked or left on a particular area for short duration to facilitate joint mobilisation or soft tissue release. Suction reaches deep into soft tissue, attachments and organs. Toxins, inflammation, blood and lymph are then pulled to the skins surface. Health and healing are promoted by loosening soft and connective tissue, and therefore visible improvements are seen in scars and adhesions. The outcome is increased circulation, lymph flow and the sensation is truly indescribable. Is Massage Cupping therapy safe? This technique is used safely in children, adults and elderly persons. A complete assessment of specific conditions at the time of treatment will be taken into consideration. What are the therapeutic effects of Massage Cupping Bodywork?